Teaching Artists are often isolated in their work. Association of Teaching Artists wants to bring tools and resources to a wider TA community across the country and globe. We recognize that not all TAs live in urban centers where PD is readily available. This digital platform enables us to reach a wider audience of TAs, allows TAs to get PD "on-demand" according to their own fluid schedules, and allows content and resources to be offered for a much lower price.
Have an idea of PD that you would like to see offered here? Send us an email at [email protected] to share!
"VERY grateful for this education geared specifically for TA's who live under such strange circumstances."
- Jane Doe
The Association of Teaching Artists is a forum and knowledge commons for the professional practice of Teaching Artists; a practitioner led network for communication, connection, and the exchange of resources; a community of practice to support and expand opportunities for the work of Teaching Artists in education and communities; recognizes and celebrates distinguished achievement by Teaching Artists; advances policies and initiatives that broaden opportunities and recognition for the work of Teaching Artists.
More at www.teachingartists.com